Game Studios (Botswana) Pty. Ltd. - Taxidermy, Sculptors, Ceramics
"The Last Herd"
A group of 6 Elephant including a new born calf.
(1 metre long x 45cm w x 40cm High)   

Price: on request
Bull elephant

Price: on request
"Spirit in the Wind"
a group of 4 Wildebeest galloping through the desert grasses. (60 x 40 x  30cm)
Bronze Sculpture by Ken Oake

Price: on request
All rights reserved (images, graphics, text and web pages)
Copyrights: Game Studios (Botswana) Pty. Ltd., Ken Oake & Mel Oake
"Breaking the High Branches"

Price: on request
"Lappet-faced Vulture" bust

Price: on request
"Serval Cat"

Price: on request