Game Studios (Botswana) Pty. Ltd. - Taxidermy, Sculptors, Ceramics
Packing & shipment
All rights reserved (images, graphics, text and web pages)
Copyrights: Game Studios (Botswana) Pty. Ltd., Ken Oake & Mel Oake
Crating Elephant shoulder mount
Building crates for shipment
Loading trucks
Boxes for trophy mounts are well made in multiple timbers into which the mounted specimen are packed and secured.

Pack and dip trophies such as skulls and skins are packed into heavy duty waxed cardboard boxes.

Prior to departure from Game Studios all boxes are checked and sealed by the Department of Wildlife and Customs officials.

Shipments of trophies leave Maun by road transport to Johannesburg, and are personally cleared at the Botswana border. From Johannesburg they are forwarded to their final destinations by our clearing agents.